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Our Governors

The role of the Governing Body

The role of the governing body is to provide strategic leadership to the School, ensuring accountability for its educational and financial performance. Governors are not expected to be involved in the detailed day-to-day management of the school. The Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team are responsible for how the school is organised and managed.

The Governing Body has three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and it’s students
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent

Types of Governors

The governing body is made up of volunteers who have an important part to play in raising school standards.

Almost anyone can become a school governor. All new governors receive training and support from the school, the Local Authority and other governors. If you are interested in assisting Oakthorpe in this way, please ask the School Office for further details.

Oakthorpe’s Governing Body is drawn from various sections of the community.

  • Parent governors: 4
  • Staff governors: 1
  • The Headteacher of Oakthorpe Primary School
  • Co-opted governors: 9
  • Local Authority governors: 1

How Governors Work

To carry out their responsibilities, governing bodies must hold at least three meetings each academic year. Oakthorpe’s Governing Body usually meets four times a year. Meetings are convened by the clerk who takes directions from the Governing Body and the Chair. Part of the agenda is set nationally, part by the local authority and part by the school itself.

Some Governors’ business is also carried out at Committee Meetings. Oakthorpe has two committees which meet termly:

  • Teaching and Learning – this considers matters such as those relating to the curriculum, attendance, children’s attainment and progress
  • Resources – this considers matters such as those relating to staffing, finances, health and safety, and school premises

There are also some groups/panels which meet if and when required, for example, Staff Appointments, Grievance, Performance Management, Complaints and Pupil Discipline. Each Governor is responsible for at least one subject area or aspect of the school.

Governors visit the school regularly so that they kept are informed of all aspects of school life. The Headteacher and Governing Body work in close partnership. The Headteacher discusses all the main aspects of school life with the governing body and expects the governing body to both challenge and support the school.

All Governors can be contacted through the school via our school telephone number: 020 8807 4689 or via email:

The school currently has a vacancy for a Co-opted Governor.

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing board.  
Co-opted governors are people who in the opinion of the Governing board have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

At this current time we are particularly looking for Governors with an interest and/or expertise in Health and Safety and/or Premises.  

If you would like to find out more about the role then please contact the school office by email and our Headteacher or Chair of Governors will contact you to discuss this further.

This is an unpaid voluntary role and requires a commitment to attend termly meetings and occasional visits to the school. 

Further information about school governance can be found on the  NGA website



Governor Profiles


Judith Garrad

  • Governor Type - Headteacher Ex-offico
  • All committees

Ioannis Mitrokotsas

  • Governor Type: Co-opted
  • Term of Office: 21.03.24-20.03.28
  • Resources Committee, Diversity and Inclusion

Reshma Chandrani

  • Governor Type: Co-opted
  • Term of Office: 30.11.21-29.11.25
  • Teaching and Learning Committee, SEND

Willie Rodrigues

  • Governor Type: Co-opted
  • Term of Office: 27.01.21-26.02.25
  • Resources Committee, Science, Health & Safety, GDPR

Joanna Kromidias

  • Governor Type: Co-opted
  • Term of Office: 22.11.22-21.11.26
  • Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee, Resources Committee, Literacy and Pupil Premium

Helen Karamallakis

  • Governor Type: Co-opted
  • Term of Office: 18.11.2018-17.11.26
  • Teaching and Learning Committee, Safeguarding, Science, Diversity & Inclusion

Alison Ward

  • Governor Type: Parent Governor
  • Term of Office: 26.11.21 - 25.11.25
  • Teaching and Learning Committee, Computing, Wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion

Rena Abraham

  • Governor Type: Co-opted
  • Term of Office: 17.11.22 - 16.11.26
  • Vice Chair of Governors, Resources Committee 

Benjamin Agwunobi

  • Governor Type: Co-opted
  • Term of Office: 18.11.22 - 17.11.26
  • Chair of Resources Committee, Numeracy

Nuala McNeely - CHair of Governors

  • Governor Type :LA Appointed
  • Term of office : 11.07.2024-10.07.2028
  • Resources Committee, Attendance and SEND

Randa Matar

  • Governor Type: Parent Governor
  • Term of Office: 06.06.2024-05.06.2028
  • Resources Committee